New Running Milestones

This Saturday, I will be doing something I have never in my life attempted or completed.
I will run a 10k race.

Over the past few years, I have run numerous 5ks.
I do typically 2 a year, usually in October and November.

Instead of stopping after those races, I decided to keep running and set some new goals.
The next milestone for me to tackle is the 10k (which is 6.2 miles).

The farthest I have ever run was 2 weeks ago on my long run. I was running for a little over 5 miles and decided to run for a solid hour (another milestone in my life). I later learned that I had run just under 6 miles. So, I have no doubt that I can finish the upcoming race, as I could have continued running beyond when I stopped two weeks ago.

The biggest question in my mind is how fast will I go?

I'm hoping to run the race in an hour, which means that my pace will need to be at least 9:39/mile. If I finish with a pace of anything under 10 minute miles, I will be satisfied with my race. The course appears to be uphill for most of the first half, with the back half being mostly downhill. The longer runs I have done have been mostly uphill for the first 2 miles, so I am hopeful that I should not have too much trouble with the large uphill portion.

Currently, the weather is supposed to be clear with a light wind and a race time temperature of 30 degrees. Hopefully, this is the case, as I don't enjoy running into a strong wind, especially with cold temperatures added to it. Either way, it should be a good time and I am looking forward to it.

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