Can't We All Just Get Along?

I often see bumper stickers similar to this:
I imagine that a lot of people believe that peaceful coexistence of all worldwide religions is possible.
I disagree. Not because I don't want to get along with everyone, but because I don't think it is possible.

There are a variety of reasons why I believe this to be the case, but today I would like to point out one hindrance to this ideal. There is one simple unifier of all of the above faiths, with the exception of one.

Islam denies Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
Buddhism basically doesn't regard Jesus Christ at all.
Science - Christian Science denies the deity of Jesus Christ, but I don't think this is what is implied. Many scientists today deny the deity of Christ, deny the miracles of Christ, deny the Resurrection of Christ and deny the Ascension of Christ
Judaism rejects Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
Paganism rejects the idea of a single, all-powerful God, of which Jesus Christ is a member.
Wicca denounces Jesus Christ as Son of God, Savior and Redeemer.

Christianity declares that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, condescended from heaven to earth through a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed a vast variety of miracles that were witnessed by thousands, died on a cross as the propitiation of sin, was buried in a tomb, rose three days later, appeared to hundreds of people for forty days, ascended into the clouds and will return as the triumphant King of Kings, Lord of Lords and establish His Kingdom for all eternity.

There will come a time when everyone on earth joins together in harmony.

First it will be in fear and awe:
“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen." - Revelation 1:7

Then it will be in bowing before the God of the universe:

"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." - Phillipians 2:9-11

We will coexist eventually.
It just won't be how most of the people who placed these bumper stickers on their vehicles are hoping.

God Is Still God and He Is Still Good

This messed me up during my lunchtime today.
May I live a life that is not wasted.

"This is Mandy, Zachary James Smith, went to be with Jesus at 3:05 p.m. on Sunday May 16th. He is no longer in pain. The cancer has lost and Jesus has the victory in all of this. The battle has been won. I know you all loved Zac, and his presence is missed in our home. Please pray for peace and comfort for my family, as we now figure out how to continue his story to the best of our ability. Watch out because those kids of ours, well let’s just say they have a lot of wisdom from Zac in those little heads. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for them.

Death cannot take away what is already His. To God be the glory. Always."(via)

(HT: Challies)

Two Growth Milestones in a Single Day

In the course of one single day this week, some big things happened in our family. On Monday, our eldest daughter, Lydia, decided on her own that she was going to start going to the bathroom on the toilet. With just a couple of minor mishaps since then, and a couple of nap-time/night-time diaper events, she has successfully made it to the toilet every time she has needed to go. Not to be outdone by her big sister, Lainey decided to show off her talents by rolling over for the first time on the same day. She repeated the event shortly thereafter, but has yet to repeat it that I am aware of.

Within a handful of hours, we went from having two girls totally utilizing diapers, to having one baby in diapers and a toddler who wears them for sleep times. In that same time frame, we went from having one very mobile toddler and one stationary infant, to having one toddler running around and an infant beginning to move across the floor.

These are definitely exciting times in the Walker house.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." - Psalm 127:3

Lift Me Up - TuesdayTunes

A lot has been said about Christina Aguilera botching the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of this year's Super Bowl. Having sung the national anthem in a baseball stadium and a hockey arena in front of thousands, I can tell you that it is no easy task to remember the flow of words in that moment and hit all the notes correctly.

Christina Aguilera is incredibly talented.
She messed up on a very public stage.
Perhaps we could extend mercy and grace to her there as well.
I pray she comes to know Jesus.

Lyrics for "Lift Me Up" by Christina Aguilera:

So the pain begins
As the music fades
And I'm left here with
With more than I can take

If you lift me up
Just get me through this night
I know ill rest tomorrow
And ill be strong enough to try

When the static clears
And all is said and done
I will realize
That we all need someone

If you lift me up
Just get me through this night
I know ill rest tomorrow
And ill be strong enough to try

So when you see me crashing
And there's nowhere left to fall
Will you lift me even higher
To rise above this all

If you lift me up
Said if you lift me up

Said if you lift me up
Will it be higher

When you see me crashing
And theres nowhere left to fall
Will you lift me even higher
To rise above this all

If you lift me up
Said if you lift me up
If you lift me up
Just get me through this night

The Healthcare End-Run Option

Thomas Sowell once again speaks the truth:
ObamaCare is another piece of Congressional legislation for which there is no federal authority in the Constitution. But when someone asked Nancy Pelosi where in the Constitution there was any authority for passing such a law, her reply was "Are you kidding?"

Two federal courts have now said that they are not kidding.

The ultimate question is whether the Supreme Court of the United States will back them up. That may depend on how soon the case reaches the Supreme court.

If the issue wends its way slowly up through the Circuit Courts of Appeal, by the time it reaches the Supreme Court, Obama may have put more of his appointees there-- and, if so, they will probably rubberstamp anything he does. He would therefore have done a complete end-run around the Constitution and be well on his way to becoming the Hugo Chavez of North America.