Elton John and Jesus

I just read this quote of Elton John which is from an upcoming Parade magazine article:
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel."
Based upon this quote alone it is easy for me to say that Elton John is not a Christian.

Here is why am I so quick to judge him based only on this quote:
Elton John believes that Jesus was just a man and not God incarnate. (Matthew 16:16)
Elton John believes that Jesus was intellectually superior and not omniscient. (John 21:17)

With these two issues alone, we can declare Elton John's version of Jesus Christ worthless.
If Christ was a man, then his opinion contains no greater value than any other human who has walked the earth. If Christ is not all knowing, then there is little reason to accept his words as anything more than a highly intellectual, socially engaging conversation that resulted in his murder, which would cause us to question both his intelligence and his motive. If Christ was not God, then there is no way he could truly forgive anyone, as there would be no way for Him to know exactly what He was forgiving and what that act might truly cost.

It is evident that Elton John does not have a correct understanding of the importance of the cross, nor does he believe that Christ rose from the grave (note the past tense in the quote above). It is also clear that Elton John does not believe in the deity of Christ, nor in His Godly attributes of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.

Aside from the ludicrous declaration that Jesus Christ was a homosexual, there are many other reasons to believe that Elton John is currently unsaved and will not hear the words "well done" when it comes time for judgement. It is puzzling to me why any person, gay or straight, would use the words or actions of Jesus Christ to try and make their point, when they obviously do not believe any of the foundational qualities that make Jesus' life and words worth listening to.

Elton John has basically attempted to guilt people into agreeing with him, by using the words of a person he does not believe in.

Foolishness abounds here. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

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