I Made the Radio

I shot an email to Jamie Allman this morning and he ended up reading it on the air on 97.1 within a few minutes, including a shout out to this blog. This was an unexpected response, and I am thankful to him for it. Here is the email I sent him which he read:

I have been listening to you show for the past 6 months or so and I thought I would send you a brief email to thank you for your presence in the St. Louis media. I appreciate your willingness to speak your mind about politics without removing your faith from the discussion. You discussion regarding Jesus Christ and handing out money and food to people this morning was well stated and mirrored a conversation I had with some friends just yesterday. It's not enough for Christians to merely vote for the party or person who will spend inordinate amounts of money to "help people" via social programs. As Christians we are called to feed the hungry, take care of the widows and orphans and love our neighbors, all of which is meant to be done at the personal or local church level.

Thank you for expressing what a lot of Christians feel about this suituation and many others.
Keep the faith!

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