Busy Busy

Today Lisa and I woke up early to go garage sale shopping in our subdivision, which was having a subdivision sale. We went to 5 or 6 sales in our neighborhood looking for baby furniture (namely a crib) but did not have any success. We did find a coffee table that we both liked and so we grabbed it for a steal of a deal. After visiting a few sales outside of our subdivision we called it quits and headed home to relax for a few minutes before our next adventure.

After being home for 45 minutes we went to church to meet up with people for a service project that I was in charge of coordinating with the college group and our Sunday School class. This project was to partner with the Powell Terrace Food Pantry to help with the canned food drive that the United States Postal Service conducts every spring. Basically, our group was there to receive the truckloads of cans from the USPS and then sort all of the contents of those plastic bags and place them into specific bins (ie soups, corn, green beans, etc). We arrived at 11 and had lunch and then proceeded to help them sort through some hygiene items the girl scouts had collected earlier in the year. After over an hour of everyone sorting these items, we had finally cleaned up the entire room. This was definitely something that wouldn’t have happened if our group had not been there. Right at the end of this project the first truckload of cans arrived (God’s perfect timing).

We sorted through 3 trucks of cans and were waiting for “one more truck” It started sprinkling so we moved the sorting tables inside and watched as it began to pour. The truck arrived and we sorted it and then found out that there was going to be “one more truck”. At this point we needed to leave, as it was 5pm and we were tired, hungry, sore and needed to get Bethany and Tina back to Cole for dinner.

On the way home from dropping them off Lisa and I decided to have the girls over for dinner and a movie. We went back by the house and picked them up, ran by Redbox on the way home where I grabbed “3:10 to Yuma” and Lisa ordered Papa John’s pizza while we were driving. (Technology is a wonderful thing.)

It was a long but very good day.

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