This morning we held a full performance of "Isle of Dreams" at the Robert's Orpheum Theatre in downtown St. Louis. This was kind of a last minute performance, so we only had about 3 days to invite people to come to it. The audience was mostly family and close friends and the theatre is a wonderful venue to perform in. We started about an hour late because we were waiting for our host to arrive. Once we started, things went really well. The cast sounded great, which was a huge relief after we had an absolutely nightmarish sound check earlier. There was a lot of great enthusiasm and energy on display on the stage and everyone did a fabulous job.

I had a frustrating scene during the Crucifixion. We could use the normal out robe to cover me with, so we used a shiny, slick drape instead. When the "grave covering" was pulled off, the crown came off with it. This wouldn't have been a problem at all except for the fact that it was tangled in my hair and I couldn't get it all the way off and I couldn't put it back on. So I played the scen to the side with the dangling crown hidden to the audience's view. To add to the toil, when i stood the shiny material slipped off my shoulder and promptly fell to the floor with all of the other "dirty" drapes. So there wasn't much of a changing effect, but nobody really seemed to notice all that much. This will be somthing that does not happen next performance.

Altogether, this was most likely our best performance to date, which is totally encouraging. Since this was on the heals of the Champaign performance, it builds the confidence of everyone involved I think. We have now done two performances back-to-back that have been great. Now we have to keep that expectation of heightened performance alive and get even better. Things are coming along...

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