This Sunday proved to be another busy day for Lisa and I. We stopped by work on the way to the "Hour of Power" in order to sign and return the paperwork to our realtor which we had found out she had received late Saturday night. This was the paperwork that we have been waiting for for 15 days, so we were thrilled to finally get our hands on it and we were pleased with what had been agreed upon. So we signed what should be the last bit of paperwork prior to actually closing and hopped back into the car to head to church.

The "Hour of Power" was good, with "Mother" singing "If I Can Help Somebody" and Brother Joe singing after returning from his fall last week (he's evidently recovered from any ill effects from his falling incidents). The turnout was quite solid from the leading side and a little low from the attendee side, but it was Daylight Saving Time and I think some residents had forgotten that fact. Afterwards we drove across town to attend the morning worship service at Jubilee Worship Center in North St. Louis.

Pastor Kishna preached a wonderful sermon about praising God while you are going through and for having a "song in the night" (Psalm 42:8) as Ezekiel did when the Israelites were moaning their situation of captivity. The church was very welcoming and we sang edited versions of "Listen to the Rain" and "Blood on My Hands" as a preview of the upcoming afternoon performance. They were both very well received. After the service, the cast was treated to a lunch that was prepared just for us in the basement of the church and then we went back upstairs to set up the stage and finish preparing for the performance.

The performance started out with Michael using his intro dialogue for the first time and it went very well. Everyone sang their songs with power and emotion and the energy of the songs was great. Particular high notes were reached during the dramatic presentation portions of the musical ("If You Had Been Here", "I AM the King" and "Prince of Revelation"). The crowd seemed to really respond to these portions of choreography and stage movement and I think that they have added a lot to the presentation of the Message.

All in all, the performance at Jubilee was absolutely wonderful.
It's amazing how God can turn things around so quickly.
I'm glad this time around went so well, especially when compared to the Easter performance.
God is continually Faithful and Good!

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