We spent the morning of our final day in Chicago visiting the Art Institute. We arrived a few minutes early, so we walked a few blocks over to see the lobby of the Palmer House Hotel, which is quite beautiful. We then grabbed a bite to eat at the Corner Bakery and spent the time watching people pass. We took the almost obligatory photos of each other outside with the Lions of the Art Institute. We worked our way around the museum quite quickly, since we only had an hour and a half to spend there before we had to go catch our plane. The museum had a huge collection of art, from many different styles and time periods. It also had a textile section (which I haven't ever really thought of as art before), a paperweight collection, and a room filled with suits of armor and swords. It was quite the collection of various forms of art. We probably could have spent a considerable more amount of time there, but we just didn't have it. In retrospect, we should have skipped the Museum of Contemporary Arts on Day 1 and visited the Art Institute instead. Lisa and I have decided we aren't huge fans of "modern art". We live and learn I suppose.

We rode the bus to the hotel to grab our bags. We rode the Orange Line back to the airport and made our way home safely. All in all, it was a great trip to a fascinating city that has tons to see. We talked of how we hope/plan on going back someday to see more of it. It was the perfect way to spend the holiday weekend and the perfect chance to spend time with each other learning new things and experiencing them together.

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